About Us

We are the arm of the Archdiocese of Kuching, under the shepherding of the Archbishop of Kuching, in doing pastoral ministry to the young people of the Archdiocese. We also partner with other youth commissions and youth ministers all over Malaysia.
KAYC was established in 2001 through the efforts of Archbishop Emeritus John Ha, Archbishop Simon Poh as its first chairperson, and Mrs. Stephanie Ng as its volunteer staff then. Since then, a number of generous and committed youth ministers have served in this commission. To these dedicated and zealous pioneers, we owe the goodness and growth that the commission has gone through.
And with God’s grace, may KAYC progress all the more… all for the glory of God and for the good of His Church, especially the young, they who are forever dear in God’s heart.
“Let the young come to me… for to them belongs the Kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 19: 14
At present, KAYC is overseen by Fr. Ramon Borja, SDB, as chairperson. With him are Ms. Joan Lau, Ms. Maria Amella and Mr. Julian Sim who are serving as full time youth ministers / pastoral workers. Sr. Catherine Uming, SSFS, and other volunteers also serve in the Commission.
The Commission has, as its members, all the representatives from each of the Parish Youth Ministries (PYM) from all the parishes of the Kuching Archdiocese and from the other youth and young adult groups in the whole Archdiocese, — in particular, the Kuching Young Christian Students (KCYS), the Kuching Campus Ministers (KCM), Alumni of Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Apostolate (AKAYA), Bread Of Life, CHOICE and IGNITE groups and the like. These youth servant-leaders we call “KAYC STEWARDS”. To them and with them, KAYC does youth ministry, journeying with the young of Kuching Archdiocese.
Pope Francis, in his “Christus Vivit”, a Magna Carta of Youth Ministry and Vocations, gives us all who journey with the young towards life in its fullness this apt reminder…

May this be us, KAYC. May this be what and how we do.
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