In doing youth ministry, we make sure that all these four VALUES are given prime and equal importance.
(faith dimension)
(human formation)
(harmonious relationship / communion)
(transformational development / mission)
In all and through all our programs and activities, both in formal and informal ways, both the youth ministers and the young people can honestly and humbly, gladly and gratefully say…
“Because of being part of this youth ministry, I grow closer to God…
I become a better me in many aspects…
I grow in my bonding with my peers…
and I am able to contribute to the betterment of creation, especially in God’s people.”
Wow! A daunting task indeed, a very high objective. But everybody deserves this, no less than this. And besides, youth ministry is God’s ministry. This is His work; it will be Him working. We are just partaking. As we often say and hear…
“Through Him, with Him and in Him… we shall do youth ministry.”