
The FOUR FIGURES in bright orange, sky blue, deep maroon and golden yellow represent the young people, celebrating God’s love. They are the vibrant children of God from varied walks of life, races and cultures, backgrounds and situations, giftedness and aspirations, all forming in love, as symbolized by the ONE HEART, the one generation of youth, the “now” of God. And as they leap together, they form the ACRONYM ‘KAYC’ which stands for Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission.
The RED CROSS represents Christ alive, sharing his love, journeying with the young, leading them to fullness of life.
The RED DOVE represents the Holy Spirit enkindling the young and those who minister to them with the fire of God’s mission.
The GREEN STROKE symbolizes the vineyard of the Lord, that locus where God’s grace grows, providing ‘youth-appropriate’ pastoral care, formative and service-oriented programs and faith-and-life-rooted experiences for the young people in the Archdiocese.
The HUMBLE ‘M’ in blue on the right bottom symbolizes Mama Mary, the humble yet powerful inspiration and intercessor of all young people. She is their mother and model, always there in all youth ministry, accompanying the young towards God.
[SPECIAL THANKS to Mr. Michael Lee, a youth minister of the Bread of Life Community, Kuching, for designing this logo in 2019. ]
The Scripture verse (twisted a bit to suit the youth in a particular and privileged way) from the Gospel of John 10: 10 which says, “That YOUth may have life… life in its fullness.” serves as the SLOGAN of the Commission. It is this, Jesus’ ministry, that we are called to take upon. In all that we undertake, it is not us but Jesus through us that ministers to the youth.
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