Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Apostolate

What is KAYA and what are its MAIN GOALS?
KAYA… is a youthful and holistic FAITH FORMATION program that aims to mold young people into becoming ACTIVE CATHOLICS…
- MISSIONARY -DISCIPLES especially to their peers and to their families
- SERVANT-LEADERS in the CHURCH (chapel, parish, diocese and world level) and in SOCIETY (campus, workplace, neighbourhood, country, world).
It is open to all young people and primarily to the rural youth of Kuching Archdiocese with ages from 17 to 25 years old
who must have their parish priest’s recommendation and their parents’ consent.

KAYA is held yearly, usually from mid-January to mid- February.
Since its first year in 1996, St Lukas’ Catholic Centre located in 10th Mile, Kota Padawan, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, has been the venue for KAYA.
In Bahasa Malaysia, the word KAYA means ‘rich or wealthy’. May this “experience” truly enrich our youth participants and facilitators alike as they enrich the Church and society with the learnings and blessings they imbibe and share from this program.
What is the THEME of KAYA?

This original purpose gave rise to the theme: “WHO DO YOU SAY I AM?”
- The question is Christ’s question to all KAYA participants.
- But it is intended also to be the question of the participants to Christ, to oneself and to one another.
Knowing Christ and knowing oneself work together into making the participants the kind of ‘active young Catholics’… and, in the words of Pope Francis, “missionary disciples”… never perfect but always eager to grow.
The Holy Father’s most recent Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation to young people, CHRISTUS VIVIT, stamps a seal of affirmation on the methodology originally adopted for KAYA.
Article 30 of this document says, “This involves…
- growing in a relationship with the Father
(with Jesus) - in awareness of being part of a family and a people
(living and interacting with others) - and in openness to being filled with the Holy Spirit
(vital role of the Holy Spirit).”
- growing in a relationship with the Father
What does KAYA offer?
It is a five week “enriching” experience
- in an atmosphere of a community bonded in Christ
- having the following four aspects of growth suited to young people…
emotionally balanced, physically healthy, intellectually soundThis aspect seeks to prompt the participants to begin learning and understanding who they are, their relationships and what are they called to do in life – with the intention of better preparing them to face the challenges of adulthood.
mature in inter-personal relationship values and skillsUnder this is the aspect of COMMUNITY LIVING. This aspect seeks to inculcate a communal culture within the participants, allowing them to see the value in community living especially within their parish communities.
deep sense of God - PASTORAL
motivated to live and share one’s faithThis aspect seeks to prepare them for leadership roles in youth ministry, where they may be able to serve in their respective parishes post-KAYA and includes but isn’t limited to the topics and activities below.
Under this aspect is OUTREACH. This aspect seeks to expose the participants to the lives of others, especially those in need so that they may learn to empathize with others and seek to spread the joy and hope of Christ to those that need it.
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