We at KAYC have this project called LAKSA for our JIWA (LFOJ), a weekly yummy serving of inspirational sharing from someone’s heart to everyone’s soul. We do this as a timely initiative to keep our young people in touch with God even in these MCO days.
Every Thursday at 6 PM since August 2020, we serve ‘Laksa For Our Jiwa’ in memory of The Lord’s supper that Holy Thursday when He shared to us His Body and Blood, and commanded us to serve and love. We hope that this weekly serving…
… makes us SEE and SHARE JESUS in our lives and in the lives of our guest sharers, … gets us INSPIRED by God’s presence and presents in our lives and thus be inspiring, … and so MOVES us to serve Him, to OFFER Him like a sedap and berkhasiat laksa,
to our sisters and brothers who are craving for food, food for their souls.
After all, surely, our GOD is far far more sedap and berkhasiat than the best laksa in town.
We share each weekly episode of LAKSA For Our JIWA on our Facebook Page and Youtube Channel, each of which features a 3 to 8 minute sharing addressed to our young people especially.