MCYMC Initiative in KL

As the Catholic Church in Malaysia prepares for its first ever Pan Malaysia Pastoral Convention, PMPC2026, The Malaysian Catholic Youth Ministers’ Committee, MCYMC will be carrying out initiatives aimed to rediscover and redefine the meaning of pastoral accompaniment towards young people in this day and age and within the Malaysian context.

随着马来西亚天主教正筹备着首届泛马牧民大会 PMPC2026,马来西亚天主教青年委员会 MCYMC 将在马来西亚的背景下开重新发现和定义当今时代青年牧灵的陪伴的举措。

Ketika Gereja Katolik di Malaysia bersedia untuk Pan Malaysia Pastoral Convention, PMPC2026, Malaysian Catholic Youth Ministers’ Committee, MCYMC akan menjalankan satu inisiatif yang bertujuan untuk mencari semula dan mentakrifkan semula makna pengiringan pastoral terhadap anak muda pada zaman ini dan dalam konteks masyarakat Malaysia.

Track our journey across Malaysia in 2023-2024 and join us in 2025 for the first every Malaysian Catholic Young Peoples Assembly.

我们将贯穿2023-2024年度的旅程,并在 2025 年与我们一起参加第一次马来西亚天主教青年大会。

Sertai perjalanan kami di seluruh Malaysia pada 2023-2024 dan sertai kami pada 2025 untuk Malaysian Catholic Young People Assembly yang pertama.

REIGNITE - a reignition of our desire to reach out and be of service

A programme especially for young people who are looking for that spark to reignite their faith-life & experience.

Key highlights:
● Experience of leadership and introduction into the mission dimension of our faith
● Learning and exchange of faith experiences
● Experience of fraternity and church
● Preparation for the Lenten Experience
● Opportunity for youth leaders/animators to journey with young people from various segments of society

A. Part 1 – Charity → In groups of 3-4, young people plan, prepare & execute a

B. Part 2 – Faith → pilgrim guide takes young people on an excursion of faith
C. Part 3 – Hope → process, reflect and share on their experiences

D. Part 4 – Eucharist → Holy Mass at 6pm
E. Part 5 – Celebrate → dinner & fellowship

Date & Time: 18th February 2023, 8.30am – 9.30pm.
Start: Depending on the service/outreach activity chosen (within Klang Valley)
End: Church of Jesus Caritas, Kepong
Age: 18-39 years old

Young people are invited to register via the link:

Closing Date for registration: 5th February 2023