KAYC (the youth office of our Archdiocese) is inviting registrations for young adults who are interested in joining a Lenten Retreat.
Relentless… unceasingly intense Lent… 40 days of a more reLENTless faith
Session 1: Loving and Living ReLENTless Relationships Session 2: Loving and Living ReLENTless Relationship with GOd Session 3: Loving and Living ReLENTless Relationship with Self Session 4: Loving and Living ReLENTless Relationship with PEople Session 5: Loving and Living ReLENTless Relationship with Life Session 6: Loving and Living ReLENTless GOSPEL Relationships Everyday
Let our response be: “Be relentless in pursuit of the Lord your God, and you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and soul.” (Deut 4:29)
Loving and Living ReLENTless Relationships with GOd, Self, PEople and Life.
Spend a week-end of praying and sharing, of bonding and growing in all our relationships from March 17 to 19, 2023, from Friday evening till Sunday lunch, in Riverside Cabana Homestay, Batu Kawa, Kuching.